Tired of your old host ?
We have the solution for you! We'll get you up and running in no time - and avoidably! Our fast servers are sure to put the extra punch in your website. And with our ultra-fast connection your sites are sure to reach your audience in no time at all. Let us show you what we can do for your website today!
All plans include
- Free Setup !
- AMD Opteron-based servers
- Unlimited Domains
- PHP5, MySQL & PostgreSQL
- Custom Error Pages
- Custom Email Server
- Website Stats
- FTP & SCP Access
- Secure POPs, IMAPs & SMTPs
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- UPS Power Backup
- Redundant Network
- Multi-Homed Bandwidth
- Gig-E & OC-3 Connections
- 24 hour setup
Grow Your Business With NightSky
We provide these innovative solutions
to help your business grow:
- Merchant accounts available
- 128- or 256-bit Secured Sites (SSL)
- One click install of OsCommerce
- Secured Transactions
- Group website editing possible
Nightsky News
Who we are ?
Business-minded Solutions
We realize that your website is your business lifeline. Your customers demand your site to be available and responsive 24/7. Thats why we focus on providing a solid foundation for your services. We pride ourselves in our servers stability and uptime, while increasing security that you can rely on.